
Artículos Casos   Libros Apuntes Otros  

Análisis del Comportamiento Verbal Articulatorio en Conversaciones Grupales Espontáneas. E. Barrull, 1992. (

Atrás Arriba Siguiente




;  Fixer:	FFT3R.ASM
;  Procediment	fft3r:near
; Parametres:	bx = segment serie
;		cx = M%  on N=2^M
;		ax = SIG
eseg	segment	public 'data'
sig	dw	?
m	dw	?
l	dd	?
dos	dw	2
tpn	dd	?
segi	dw	?
eseg	ends
; definim macros
des 	macro	seg,index,segmi,reg
	push	index
	sub	reg,reg
	shr	index,1
	rcl	reg,1
	add	index,segmi
	mov	seg,index
	shl	reg,1
	shl	reg,1
	shl	reg,1
	mov	index,reg
	extrn	fft3:near,sin_cos:near
	public	fft3r
cseg	segment	public 'code'
	assume	cs:cseg,es:eseg
fft3r	proc	near
	push	ax
	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	si
	push	di
	push	bp
	push	ds
	push	es
	mov	dx,eseg
	mov	es,dx
	mov	es:m,cx	;salvem M%
	mov	es:sig,ax	;salvem SIG%
	mov	es:segi,bx	;salvem segment serie
	cmp	ax,1
	je	e2
   	jmp	e3
e2:	jmp	ifftr
e3:	cmp	ax,?1
	je	fftr
error:	jmp	fi
fftr:	dec	cx
	call	fft3
;	fem X(N/2)=X(0)
	mov	bx,es:segi
	mov	si,0
	push	ds
	des	ds,si,bx,ax
	fld	dword ptr [si]
	fld	dword ptr [si+4]
	pop	si
	mov	cx,es:m
	dec	cx
	mov	si,1
	shl	si,cl	;si=N/2
	dec	si	;si=?1 per poder arribar si m=17
	des	ds,si,bx,ax
	fstp	dword ptr [si+12]
	fstp	dword ptr [si+8]
	pop	si
	pop	ds
	call	recons
; no dividim per 2 ni per N, ho fem al calcular l'espectre.
	jmp	fi
ifftr:	call	recons
	mov	cx,es:m
	dec	cx
	call	fft3
fi:	pop	es
	pop	ds
	pop	bp
	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
fft3r	endp
recons	proc	near
	push	ax
	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	si
	push	di
	push	bp
 	fild	word ptr es:dos
	fild	word ptr es:m
	fscale		;st=N
	fstp	st
 	fdiv		;st=TPN=2*PI/N
	fstp	dword ptr es:tpn
	mov	bx,es:segi
	mov	di,0	;L=0
	mov	cx,es:m
	sub	cx,2
	mov	ax,1
	shl	ax,cl	;ax=N/4
	mov	bp,ax	;bp=N/4
	shl	ax,1	;ax=N/2
	mov	word ptr es:l+2,0
	push	ds
r1:	mov	word ptr es:l,di
 	fld	dword ptr es:tpn
 	fild	dword ptr es:l
 	call	sin_cos
 	fild	word ptr es:sig
 	fmulp	st(2),st
	mov	si,ax
	sub	si,di	;si=N/2?L
	sub	si,1
	push	es
	des	ds,di,bx,cx
	des	es,si,bx,cx
	fld	dword ptr [di]
	fld	dword ptr [di+4]
	fld	dword ptr es:[si+8]
	fld	dword ptr es:[si+12]
	fld	st(3)
	fld	st
	fmul	st,st(6)
	fld	st(3)
	fmul	st,st(7)
	fld	st(2)
	fadd	st(1),st
	fmul	st,st(6)
	fld	st(1)
	fmul	st,st(7)
	fstp	dword ptr [di]
	fld	st(2)
	fld	st
	fmul	st,st(6)
	fld	st(4)
	fmul	st,st(7)
	fld	st(1)
	fsub	st(1),st
	fmul	st,st(6)
	fld	st(2)
	fmul	st,st(7)
	fstp	dword ptr [di+4]
	fld	st(3)
	fld	st
	fmul	st,st(6)
	fld	st(3)
	fmul	st,st(7)
	fld	st(2)
	fadd	st(1),st
	fmul	st,st(6)
	fld	st(1)
	fmul	st,st(7)
	fstp	dword ptr es:[si+8]
	fld	st(2)
	fld	st
	fmul	st,st(6)
	fld	st(4)
	fmul	st,st(7)
	fld	st(1)
	fsub	st(1),st
	fmul	st,st(6)
	fld	st(2)
	fmul	st,st(7)
	fstp	dword ptr es:[si+12]
	pop	si
	pop	di
	pop	es
 	cmp	di,bp	;L>=N/4?
	jae	r2
	inc	di	;L=L+1
	jmp	r1
r2:	pop	ds
	pop	bp
	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
recons	endp
cseg	ends
;  Fixer:	FFT3.ASM
;  Procediment	fft3:near
;  Format: 	call fft3
;  Funció:	Calcula DFT (directa:SIG=?1 e inversa:SIG=1)
;  Parametres:	bx = segment serie entrada
;		cx = M
;		ax = SIG
eseg	segment	public 'data'
mn	dw	?
nd	dd	?
nw	dw	?
nm1	dw	?
nd2	dw	?
k	dd	?
j	dd	?
sig	dw	?
segi	dw	?
dos	dw	2
nt	dw	1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024
	dw	2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,0
eseg	ends
; definim macros
swap	macro	x,y
	des 	ds,x,dx,bp
	des 	es,y,dx,bp
	fld	qword ptr [x]
	fld	qword ptr es:[y]
	fstp	qword ptr [x]
	fstp	qword ptr es:[y]
	pop	y
	pop	x
des 	macro	seg,index,segmi,reg
	push	index
	dec	index
	sub	reg,reg
	shr	index,1
	rcl	reg,1
	add	index,segmi
	mov	seg,index
	shl	reg,1
	shl	reg,1
	shl	reg,1
	mov	index,reg
	public	fft3
	extrn	sin_cos:near
cseg	segment	public 'code'
	assume	cs:cseg,es:eseg
fft3	proc	near
	push	ax
	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	di
	push	si
	push	bp
	push	ds
	push	es
	mov	dx,eseg
	mov	es,dx
   	mov	es:mn,cx	;salvem M%
	mov	es:sig,ax	;salvem SIG%
	mov	es:segi,bx	;salvem segment serie
    	fild	word ptr es:mn	;st=M%
	fld1		;st=1.0
	fscale		;st=N%=2^M%
	fistp	dword ptr es:nd	;salvem N%
	mov	bx,es:mn
	shl	bx,1
	mov	ax,es:[nt+bx]
	mov	es:nw,ax
	sub	ax,1
	mov	es:nm1,ax
	sub	bx,2
	mov	ax,es:[nt+bx]
	mov	es:nd2,ax
; Procedim a reordenar la matriu A
	mov	cx,es:nm1
	mov	dx,es:segi
	mov	bx,es:nd2
	push	ds
	push	es
	mov	si,1	;si=1
	sub	di,di	;di=0
e2: 	inc	di	;L=L+1
	cmp	di,si	;IF L>=J THEN 2
	jae	e3
 	swap	di,si	;SWAP A(L),A(J)
e3:	mov	ax,bx
e4:	cmp	ax,si	;IF K>=J THEN 4
	jae	e5
	sub	si,ax	;J=J?K
	shr	ax,1	;K=K/2
	jmp	e4	;GOTO 3
e5:	add	si,ax	;J=J+K
	cmp	di,cx	;NEXT L
	jb	e2
e6:	pop	es
	pop	ds
; Hem acabat de reordenar
	mov	word ptr es:k+2,0
	mov	word ptr es:j+2,0
	mov	bx,es:segi
   	mov	cx,1	;R%=1
e8:	mov	ax,1
	dec	cx
	shl	ax,cl	;ax=RE%/2=2^(R%?1)
	mov	dx,ax	;dx=K%=RE%/2
	mov	word ptr es:k,dx	;salvem K%
	shl	ax,1	;ax=RE%=2^R%
	inc	cx
	mov	bp,es:nw	;bp = N%
	sub	bp,ax	;bp = N%?RE%
	fldpi                          ;st=Ò
	fild	dword ptr es:k        ;st=K%
 	fdiv                           ;st=Ò/K%
	fld1                           ;st=UR=1.0
	fldz 		;st=UI=0.0
	push	cx                    ;salvem contador R%
	mov	cx,1                  ;cx=J%=1
e9:	mov	di,cx	;di=L%=J%
	push	ds
	push	es
	push	cx
e10:	mov	si,di
	add	si,dx	;si=LMK%=L%+K%
	des	ds,si,bx,cx	;desplaçament AR(LMK)
	fld	dword ptr [si]	;st=AR(LMK)
	fld	st	; "   "
	fld	dword ptr [si+4]	;st=AI(LMK)
	fld	st	; "   "
	fmul	st,st(4)	;st=AI(LMK)*UI
	fxch		;st=AI(LMK)
	fmul	st,st(5)	;st=AI(LMK)*UR
	fxch	st(2)	;st=AR(LMK)
	fmul	st,st(4)	;st=AR(LMK)*UI
	fxch	st(3)	;st=AR(LMK)
	fmul 	st,st(5)	;st=AR(LMK)*UR
	fsubr		;st= TR
	fxch	st(2)	;st=AR(LMK)*UI
	fadd		;st= TI
	des	es,di,bx,cx	;desplaçament AR(L)
	fld	dword ptr es:[di]	;st=AR(L)
	fld	st	; "  "
	fsub	st,st(3)	;st=AR(L)?TR
	fxch		;st=AR(L)
	fadd	st,st(3)	;st=AR(L)+TR
	fstp	dword ptr es:[di]	;salvem AR(L)
	fstp	dword ptr [si]	;salvem AR(LMK)
	fld	dword ptr es:[di+4]	;st=AI(L)
	fld	st	; "  "
	fsub	st,st(2)	;st=AI(L)?TI
	fxch		;st=AI(L)
	fadd	st,st(2)	;st=AI(L)+TI
	fstp	dword ptr es:[di+4]	;salvem AI(L)
	fstp	dword ptr [si+4]	;salvem AI(LMK)
	fstp	st	;st=TR
	fstp	st	;st=WI
	pop	di	;si = LMK%
	pop	si	;di = L%
	cmp	di,bp	;L%>N% ?
	jae	e11
	add	di,ax	;L%=L%+RE%
	jmp	e10
	pop	cx
	pop	es
	pop	ds
; calculem UI i UR
	fstp	st
	fstp	st
	mov	word ptr es:j,cx
	fild	dword ptr es:j
	fmul	st,st(1)
 	call 	sin_cos               ;st=sin(JÒ/K%)
	fild	word ptr es:sig
 	fmul                           ;st=WI=sig*sin(JÒ/K%)
	cmp	cx,dx	;J%>K% ?
	jae	e12
	inc	cx
	jmp	e9
e12:	pop	cx	;restaurem R%
	cmp	cx,es:mn	;R%>M% ?
	jae	fi3
	inc	cx	;R%=R%+1
	jmp	e8
fi3:	pop	es
	pop	ds
	pop	bp
	pop	si
	pop	di
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
fft3	endp
cseg	ends
; Fixer:		ASC2DEC.ASM
; Procediment:	asc2dec:far
; Format:	lea     ax,car
;		push    ax
;		lea     ax,ncar
;		push    ax
;		lea     ax,decimal
;		push    ax
;		call    asc2dec
	public	asc2dec
cseg	segment	public 'code'
	assume	cs:cseg
asc2dec	proc	far
	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	push	ax
	push	bx
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	si
	push	di
	mov	di,[bp+8]
	mov	ax,[di]	;ax = ncar
	mov	si,[bp+10]	;si apunta a car
	mov	dx,si	;dx també
;	mov	al,byte ptr [si]
;	cmp	al,'?'
;	je	neg
	add	si,ax
	sub	si,1	;si apunta a final car
	mov	di,[bp+6]	;di apunta a decimal
	mov	bx,di	;bx també
	add	di,18	;di apunta a final decimal
e1:	mov	al,byte ptr [si]
	cmp	si,dx
	je	signe
	mov	byte ptr [di],al
	dec	si
	dec	di
	jmp	e1
signe:	cmp	al,'?'
	je	neg
	cmp	al,'+'
	je	pos
	mov	byte ptr [di],al
	dec	di
pos:	mov	byte ptr [bx],'+'
	jmp	e2
neg:	mov	byte ptr [bx],al
e2:	cmp	di,bx
	je	fi
	mov	byte ptr [di],'0'
	dec	di
	jmp	e2
fi:	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp
	ret	6
asc2dec	endp
cseg	ends
; Fixer:		BCD2DEC.ASM
; Procediment:	bcd2dec:far
; Format:	lea    ax,bcd
;		push   ax
;		lea    ax,decimal
;		push   ax
;		call   bcd2dec
	public	bcd2dec
cseg	segment	public 'code'
	assume	cs:cseg
bcd2dec	proc	far
	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	push	ax
	push	si
	push	di
	push	cx
	mov	si,[bp+8]	;si apunta a bcd
	mov	di,[bp+6]	;di apunta a decimal
	add	di,18	;di apunta a final decimal
	mov	cx,9
e1:	mov	al,byte ptr [si]
	mov	ah,al
	and	al,00001111b
	and	ah,11110000b
	push	cx
	mov	cl,4
	shr	ah,cl
	pop	cx
	add	al,30h
	add	ah,30h
	mov	byte ptr [di],al
	dec	di
	mov	byte ptr [di],ah
	dec	di
	inc	si
	loop	e1
	mov	al,byte ptr [si]
	and	al,10000000b
	cmp	al,10000000b
	je	neg
	mov	byte ptr [di],'+'
	jmp	fi
neg:	mov	byte ptr [di],'?'
fi:	pop	cx
	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	ax
	pop	bp
	ret	4
bcd2dec	endp
cseg	ends


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